
Czech Fintech Association

We bring together entrepreneurs and friends of innovation in financial technology and want to make the Czech Republic a world leader in fintech.

Calendar of events

events from the world of FinTech

FinTech Spot.

Latest Articles

from the world of FinTech

  • Redakce
  • 26. 7. 2024
Přední mezinárodní konference pro investory a startupy Engaged Investments nabídne letos na podzim ještě bohatší program než loni. Cílem této v Česku unikátní události, na kterou přijede až 350...
  • Lukáš Raška
  • 26. 7. 2024
Nejčerstvější informace ze světa kryptoměn, živý networking, výborné jídlo a skvělá zábava – to vše je CryptoNight. Lístky na již čtvrtý ročník jsou právě v prodeji! CryptoNight je konference podvečerního konceptu,...
  • fintechcowboys
  • 26. 7. 2024
Nový průzkum společnosti GetApp ukazuje, jak rostoucí sofistikovanost podvodů s identitou využívajících AI vyžaduje modernizaci protokolů kybernetické bezpečnosti. S tím, jak se útoky deepfake generované umělou inteligencí a podvody s identitou stávají stále...

Czech Fintech Association

The Association leads expert working groups, organises networking and expert events, and is a contact point for innovators, investors, regulators and business partners.

  • Objective to promote innovation in the finance sector
  • Co-create the regulatory environment for their development
Networking. Regulation. Innovation.

Activities of the association

Digital finance will boost the Czech economy and improve the lives of consumers and businesses, which is why we strive to support innovation in the financial sector, co-create the regulatory environment for its development, and thus promote an economy without barriers, paper and cash.

We connect

We create a network of people and knowledge, promoting a barrier-free and paperless environment

FinTech ecosystem support

We support the development of talents and companies, we promote fintech as one of the pillars of the Czech economy and development


We are the contact for media, innovators, investors, regulators and other partners

Want to become a member and take advantage of the benefits?

Connect, discover, thrive. Everything you need to succeed in the world’s fastest growing global ecosystem.


Podcast FinTech Roadmap

Česká fintechová asociece je hrdým partnerem podcastu FinTech Roadmap Asociace CTIT. The podcast discusses topics in the field of financial technology with interesting guests.

  • Payments, open banking, regtech and others.